Tag Archives: tastey

Let’s Get Sconed!

Day 3

I have been meaning to make scones for a while. And well really didn’t know where to begin. So I remember making scones in year 8, they were decent I can tell you that. I remember the day Mrs Abbots told the class to bring in the ingredients for scones and said we can do fruit, cheese or plain. And the whole class moaned that we wanted chocolate chips in them so every single one of us brought in a bag of chocolate chips and chunks besides this one girl, can’t really remember her name. But besides that, she was the only one who went for the cheese option. We all looked at her as if he was from another planet. “eww cheese in the scones? That’s rank” we all said. Now I guess I’m eating my own words, huh? I remember the last time I made the scones and well they turned out like hockey pucks. God they were rank! But using the same recipe and sticking to the ingredients and weighing them out you can never go wrong with this. So I wanted to see if I had still had the curse of the hockey pucks so I made 4 of each.

1 cheddar and caramelised onion | 1 plain sweet.

I did forget to say that i was only experimenting, so i only made 4 of each and cuttheminhalftomakethemlookmore. I know I’m a little embarrassed to say that my eyes are greedy. Aww hell I make myself sound like a pig anyway. Notice how the 4th Cheese and onion scone is missing, blame mum. She was dying to try and nicked it, before i could look she chomping it down!

cook book

So I guess you can say I’m still gonna stick to what I know, so I still used this recipe book. Mrs Abbotts would be proud! Don’t laugh but I still keep it with my other Recipe books. I am a bit of a holder.

This is the Basic/Simplist recipe for a scone that im sure even your grandmother used to use.


  • 225g self raising flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 55g butter, I would say roomish temperature cubed or in small chunks
  • 25g caster sugar
  • 150ml Milk


  1. place all dry ingredients and butter in a mixing bowl. with a wooden spoon start to tear at the butter coating it in the flour mixture as you do.
  2. once the butter is more easier to cope with (not to big to rub together). With you thumb, index and middle fingers rub the butter between them. its messy but fun! you may get a finger cramp so apologies but, no pain no gain!
  3. once the mixture in the bowl resembles sand as my tutor taught me then with that wooden spoon start to pour the milk in slowly.
  4. when the dough is done place onto work top and pat down to bring together, 2 inches tall, get a cutter or for more rustic feel a cup and cut you desired shapes. it wont look like there’s enough dough but you need pat it together again when you have ran out of space to cut. this should make about 8.
  5. place onto a baking tray and brush with a little egg or milk and bake in a 180c pre-heated over for 20 minutes.
  6. serve the traditional way with clotted cream and raspberry/strawberry jam. Or like dad, just how they are!

Cheese and Onion

  • 225g self raising flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 55g butter, I would say roomish temperature
  • 25g grated cheddar
  • 1 Red onion
  • 150ml Milk
  • 1 Tbsp of brown sugar


  1. to caramelise the onions, small dice them and place in a sauce on low heat with a tsp oil and brown sugar. get a piece of grease proof paper and wet it under the tap. place over the onions and leave to sautee. cook until brown and soft, slightly wet. Then leave to cool for 30 mins.
  2. complete the stages like previously but add the onion and cheese before the milk!
  3. when the dough is done place onto work top and pat down to bring together, 2 inches tall, get a cutter or for more rustic feel a cup and cut you desired shapes. it wont look like there’s enough dough but you need pat it together again when you have ran out of space to cut. this should make about 8.
  4. place onto a baking tray and brush with a little egg or milk and bake in a 180c pre-heated over for 20 minutes.
  5. when 10 minutes are complete, grate some cheese over the top, too early and it may burn<clever thinking ey?
  6. I kinda like the idea of making it almost like a sandwich with some butter and rocket in the middle. Delish.

now for some pictures!

I’m sort of getting there with photography no. any tips, please comment. i take this shit seriously.

Cheese and onion SconesLove the Cheese ontop! you can see what I mean with the rocket right?

Plain Scones

I’m quite proud of this one! Look at how wonky they are!

Red OnionNow this is my Favourite. i was literally just testing my shots and this baby was born!

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Filed under Recipes, The Unknown Mystery